Research initiatives

Supporting our scholars

The School of Life Sciences Research Advancement Office provides support to help our faculty, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students identify funding, apply for grants, and manage their sponsored projects.

We assist in the grant lifecycle from identifying funding and proposal preparation to close-out of the award.

Proposal intake procedure




Proposal intake form

Use this form to submit your proposal to the RI team. Once submitted someone will reach out about next steps.

Proposal Intake Form




Pre - award

We are committed to helping you write more successful proposals — a goal we share with ASU.

How we help

Locating grant solicitations — we can:

  • Alert you to grant opportunities related to your general area of research.
  • Help locate solicitations specific to your current needs and interests, at your request.
  • Arrange meetings with other investigators and departments, at your request.

View our Internal Funding Opportunities for ASU faculty, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students.

Proposal development

We can:

  • Assist with strategic planning of high-impact collaborative proposals, including training grants.
  • Develop budgets and budget justifications.
  • Develop reports showing current and pending support.
  • Submit your final proposal to the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSPA) and your sponsor.

Get started

  • Complete a proposal intake form as far in advance as possible. We’ll review it and a Research Advancement team member will contact you to start the proposal process.
  • Proposals must be submitted through our office at the School of Life Sciences regardless of the process or funding source (federal, state, foundation or industry).




Post - award

After your proposal to a sponsor is successfully funded, we help manage your grant so you can maximize the results of your scientific and academic work, while conforming to federal, state and ASU requirements.

How we help

Locating grant solicitations — we will:

  • Alert you to any issues on your account and help rectify them.
  • Process requests for budget changes, no-cost extensions and exceptions to cost accounting standards.
  • Help develop progress reports and submit them to the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects Administration (ORSPA) and the sponsor.

Best practices for grant management

Follow these guidelines to ensure your spending remains federally compliant.

Closing your account

When it’s time to close your account, we will work with you to make sure all required documents are finalized and submitted. If you have questions regarding your account, email us at

Note: The School of Life Sciences Business Office manages internal funds such as start-up accounts and Investigator Incentive Awards.

Large, collaborative proposals

We encourage submission of large, collaborative proposals that often fall in the “3M” (multi-million, multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary) category.

School of Life Sciences research advancement and ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise (KE) are available to assist you with these submissions.

Please discuss your needs and timeline with Jim Collins, associate director for research advancement.

Proposal editing assistance

ASU Knowledge Enterprise (KE) now offers a free, proposal editing service. Current editing turnaround varies with proposal load and may be anywhere from 3-10 business days.

Requirements for the service include:

  • Time: Sponsor’s deadline must be after KE’s current editing turnaround time (refer to the link above for information).
  • Allow time to review our edits and for your research advancement office to submit the proposal.
  • Submit all parts of the proposal at the same time.
    • Wait to make changes to your proposal until KE returns edits to you.

Shared equipments

Sometimes researchers may be in need of equipment or expertise that they don’t have available in their own lab.

This list provides equipment and expertise in SOLS that individual PIs may be willing to have qualified researchers use on an incidental basis. However, please keep in mind that the equipment listed is owned and maintained by individual faculty or their designates, and that they set the rules for use by others.

Please contact the faculty member beforehand to make arrangements. The lab of the user typically will be responsible for any damage or malfunction.

Please contact Dayna Molyneaux ( if you would like to have equipment and/or names added or removed from this list.