
SOLS HR office processes three types of affiliations; Courtesy Affiliates, Adjunct Faculty, and Affiliated Faculty. To submit a request for one of these affiliations, contact one of the SOLS HR team members. Do not go through Service Now to make this request and only make these requests through SOLS HR.

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Courtesy Affiliation

A courtesy affiliate is neither a current student nor a current employee but the affiliation assigned allows them to receive one or more services from ASU. We create affiliations for future faculty hires, faculty from other universities on sabbatical, visiting scholars that are self-funded and here on a visa, postdocs that are leaving ASU but need to finish some aspect of research, volunteers, etc. The type of affiliation needed determines the access level they receive.

Our process for Courtesy Affiliate requests requires the following: a justification for the affiliation from the faculty sponsor, the affiliate must complete a form for us and provide their CV/resume. It will then get approval from the SOLS director. 

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Adjunct Faculty Affiliation

Adjunct faculty appointments are unpaid, usually part-time positions for limited (not more than one-year) renewable terms. Adjunct faculty are not part of the Academic Assembly. The appointments are made by deans to individual academic units or to such units as interdisciplinary degree or certification programs. Appointments are made in order to facilitate the adjunct faculty member’s professional association with the university for the benefit of the individual and the university in such roles as supervising clinical practice students, assisting with research efforts, and occasionally teaching. 

Our process for Adjunct affiliation requires the following: The requestor must not hold a paid position within ASU. They must submit a letter outlining the mutual benefit for them, the university and SOLS, complete our internal form, if they are an MD there is an additional form they sign, and provide a current CV. The sponsoring ASU faculty member must provide a letter of support for the request. The request is then sent to the SOLS Adjunct Committee for review and approval, once approved by them, it is sent to The College for review and approval. Once fully approved a letter is drafted for the adjunct appointment.   

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Affiliated Faculty

Affiliate appointments are made to ASU faculty members and academic professionals who hold appointments in one academic unit (the primary unit) and are invited to serve in a role in another academic unit, center, or institute (the secondary, affiliate unit) (ACD 505-04).

Affiliate faculty or academic professionals may have governance, voting rights, and responsibilities in the affiliate unit, including eligibility to chair dissertation committees, if otherwise qualified. At the request of a tenure-eligible affiliate faculty member or a probationary affiliate academic professional, the affiliate unit may provide input for probationary, tenure/continuing appointment, and promotion reviews to the unit in which tenure/continuing appointment resides.

An affiliated appointment requires an appointment letter signed by the faculty member or academic professional, the head(s)/chair(s)/director(s), and dean(s) of the home and affiliated units (ACD 505-04).d. Appointments are made for a period of not more than one year and are renewable (ACD 505-04), i.e. 365 days at the most. Affiliate appointments cannot be used to change academic rank or academic(primary)home.

Our process for these affiliations mirrors the adjunct process excluding the Adjunct Committee review. However, the home unit for the requestor also has to provide their approvals in addition to the SOLS approvals and The College approvals. They will also receive an appointment letter.